How to Determine What to Pay Hired Therapists in Your Group Practice
One of the most common questions group practice owners ask is, "What should I pay my therapists?" Many immediately look to "the going rate" in their area, assuming that if they match or slightly exceed the average, they’ll be competitive in hiring. While understanding market rates is helpful, it’s only one piece of the puzzle—and focusing on it alone can lead to financial strain, unsustainable growth, and even the eventual failure of the practice.

What’s Your HIPAA IQ? (A *mostly* funny quiz for therapists who’d rather be doing literally anything else)
HIPAA compliance: the never-ending anxiety attack disguised as a federal regulation. How well do you know it? Take this quiz to test your HIPAA IQ—and find out if you’re a compliance king/queen or one audit away from needing a new career.

How to Find the Right CPA for Your Therapy Practice: Key Questions to Ask
As a mental health therapist, managing your practice's finances can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to taxes, bookkeeping, and other financial obligations. A CPA can be an invaluable resource, helping you navigate these challenges. But finding the right CPA for your business needs is crucial. This articles discusses how you can ensure you choose wisely, along with key questions to ask during your search.

Navigating the Private Practice Landscape as a New Counseling Graduate
So, you’ve worked hard in your graduate program and now getting ready to find your first real job in mental health field? As you prepare to embark on your career path, it's natural to consider various avenues, with many counseling students contemplating roles in private practices. This article aims to provide invaluable insights for those navigating this transition.

Business Plans are Overrated (Part 1)
Are you thinking about starting your own wellness practice but feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to write a business plan? Did you, like me, take that ONE course in grad school on how to run your business and had it beaten into your head that unless you write a thorough business plan your chances of becoming a successful business owner are next to zero?